The Burbs vs. the City!
Monday May 07th, 2018
This week I got another listing in the city, Leslieville to be exact. So, for the past few days this great home in the Queen and Leslie area has been my workspace and boy do I miss the city sometimes. So alive, vibrant and...did I mention alive and vibrant!
"It's a debate people have been having for years. Go big and go north or go small and enjoy the bright lights Toronto has to offer." Toronto Life
Truth is I have always been a suburban kid living in the north end of the GTA most of my life. I did venture as far south as Yonge and Eglinton once for a few years in my early twenties, but I quickly realized that I would much rather trade location for square footage. But that was also twenty years ago when traffic was lighter and our 89' white Honda civic hatchback needed only twenty dollars to fill. And don't get me wrong, I'm no stranger to the city having spent most of my early teens to late twenties hanging out in clubs, record stores, Maple Leaf Gardens, the Eaton Centre and all the mom and pop shops, however once I reached that big moment when it was time to make the leap from renter to homeowner I just felt like buying something a little newer and a little north felt like the safer choice.
I mean, it was much easier at twenty-three to drive an extra forty minutes than try to fix a leaky toilet or repair shingles on the roof!And from that point on I made the decision to stay in Richmond Hill, (except for a two year relapse at Yonge & Sheppard). Yes, Richmond Hill; cozy, quiet, with both young and old families, great schools, restaurants, parks, ponds and of course plenty of incredible homes.
But to this day I still wonder sometimes how different my life would be had I listened to my wife and gone downtown instead. How would things have changed? Would we have still had three kids living in the city? Two cars? Would I be buying and selling in Richmond Hill? Would I even visit here?
Regardless of what may have been, I couldn't be happier where I am and with what I have. But I do love having another city listing. It allows me to remember the fun downtown times I had, while I sit in traffic on the DVP!
Happy Home Hunting!
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